Thursday, 5 November 2009

Zis iz english, do you understand?

This is a topic that everyone, I think, should care about. ESPECIALLY Americans and Brits...

I'm sure we've all seen this/heard about it. Here is an example- scenario:
First day of University/Work/School/You name it: A foreigner [Asian/Arab] walks in to class/office.
2 minutes later: The foreigner speaks.
Same moment: Everyone starts either laughing, or talking about her [or rather: her accent] behing her back.
She gets called either  'TEP'/'PAKI'/TERRORIST..etc etdc etc'behind her back [if shes lucky] or to her face [which is oh- so heartbreaking, seriously!]

All this because she may not say the word 'because' exactly how YOU say it. Her 'R's might roll for a while longer. . Whatever the reason, we all admit that we can perfectly understand what she is saying... So why on earth do we laugh? Why do we talk about it for days after? Why all the negativeness?

LOOK, How many Americans & Brits are bilingual/can speak so many languages? HOW MANY??? Some may claim to know French/German/Spanish [GCSE level languages is just a few words-  A Level doesnt make you so fluent either]...but If I were french/German or Spanish I'd laugh at the way THEY roll they're 'r's and pronounce everything.

These people who come to these countries have a language already. AN ENTIRE LANGUAGE.
And guess what?
They've decided to bloody LEARN YOURS just so you can all communicate. THEY are doing YOU  a favor.
If I were them, Id be happy enough using sign language for 5 hours before you understood that I was asking for directions to the nearest bus station. Srsly. 
& If WE hate their accents so much, why don't we just go learn all the languages in the world so we can speak to everyone without having to listen to THEM speak or language? We think we're oh-so big, amazing, and better than them.

And for those who claim that these poeple 'wreck the enligh language', I suggest you go see how all those 'I-am-oH-So-Bad white boys'/Gangsters speak. 'INIT' is not a proper word. & here's a revelation for ya:  Indians did not bring it in! Infact im 99% sure some British kid from South London came up with it.

There are millions of more rubbish words and sentences that would make shakespeare cry in his grave. And I tell you, Asians and Arabs didnt make them up.

So please stop the laughing and start being  a little understanding. These people are not less than YOU in ANY way. In fact, if anything- they're better. They know more than one language, unlike yourself- hah!


P.s I can speak 3 languages and a half XD

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

All the good thoughts come at bad times

I don't know if this happens with you too-  but when Im all set and ready to put finger to keyboard and start blogging: ALL THE IDEAS I ever had suddenly run away. Its like im playing a game of hide and seek with my memory and thoughts.

Now, when I am set to sleep, ready to take a rest after every exhausting day...I suddenly find myself swarmed with amazing idea/thoughts and plans. Like WTH???!!

This happens so much... SO MUCH that I decided to put a pen and paper next to me when I go to sleep [I started this idea a year ago]. It worked [as do most plans] for about 3 days, I jotted awesome Ideas down and wow-ed everyone including myself.

But then, after 3 days,  I couldn't be bothered getting up and writing in the dark every time an amazing invention/thought crossed my mind ..and so this plan [just like most plans] didn't work out too well. Sadly.
 I feel so UNCOOL right now- There's nothing worthy for me to blog about. Whether its about Islam, Palestine, War, Politics, people.. or any of my random inventions, I have no idea what to say about them.  Goshhhhhhh....I think Im going to take up the 'getting up in the dark and scribbling my idea on to the peice of paper on my sidedesk and withthe pen that only half-works' again... :(


Monday, 2 November 2009

I am so busy.

Dammit. I need some free time. One thing I really want to do, once I get a few spare moments, is talk to A'Qilah. 
Another thing would be to...speak to her on mic and to watch her [lmao I sound so creepy, but she has webcam so YAY XD]. I want to speak to her forever. And I wish Allah would give me the courage to not shy away from the mic -rolls eyes-.  Alhamdulilah my whole depression-period over dotu [Dawn of the Ummah- Or as I like to say it: Damnation of the Ummah] has sort of gone now, so I forgive everyone on there [even those who didnt do anything!]. I just hated everyone for what a few people did to me. And when I say everyone, I literally mean everyone. Shame on me! [Note to self: Thats one bad habit I need to remember to throw in the bin]. 

Finally, I'd like to plan..........-almost starts future.... -hopeful face- ...which involves going and living in Gaza for ever and ever. Ameen.  
[I added the Ameen because it reminds me of my Catholic Primary school, where we used to say a prayer every morning and before lunch and before going home. All the prayers ended with '[...]  for ever and ever. Amen'. Aw good days:)I can never not add 'Amen' to something ending with ' forever and ever'!!! I guess thats what a good 5 years of saying three  [Catholic hah] prayers a day does to you. Plus its so funny when random people turn their heads at hearing 'Amen' in the middle of a completely far-from-religious conversation heh. I need to shut up]

Btw I was in the middle of writing an essay, got bored [I've been sat doing 4 pages contineously-so boring!] and decided to drop a few words on here. Better go and finish it off. [Note to self: Brace yourself, I have another  essay that I  must start tonight...Arghh...Stay strong and smile, I can do it ...I can do it ...I can do it ..I can SO NOT do it..astagfirullah  InshaAllah]


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Get Paid to watch youtube Video's!

Salaam Alaikum

Because I am such a nice person [heh], I've decided to share this with whichever lucky people read my blog [Ooh you're missing out on SO MUCH, non-readers...].

Click here to register:

All you need to is sign up, view the videos(or just watch first 5 seconds of each video, that works).

You get paid [It works WORLDWIDE BTW!];

$0.01 for each video you view per day
$0.10 for each comment you make on their video.
$0.35 for each subscription you make.

You can only view videos at the moment for some reason. However its always best to get in early on with these new companies, so you get in whilst the pay rate is better. Plus it only takes all of 1 minute, to sign-up and complete the first 7 viewings, so get in early, and it might turn into a good little earner, even if its just for some small change, 1 minute a day must be worth it.

By using my referral link, i make $0.005 for each video you view, $0.01 for each comment you leave, and $0.10 for each subscription you make. So please be nice:) You canpass on your link to others too!

Payment is via paypal, and it works worldwide, so enjoy, and please use my referral link!


A small rant about 'TIME'. Read if you care about yourself

Well doesn't it seem like im very time-obbsessed today...having posted my new clock invention, and now this.

Before you think this is a "boring lecture about how we should value our time blah blah yawn" ...............well I can't think of anything clever to reply to that, right now, but please read on for your very own benefit.

I was reading something about realising the value of time and it really grabbed me. It started off with 10 years and decreased to the point where it was 'millisconds'. That was my favourite part.
"To realise the value of one millisecond: ask the person who has won a SILVER medal in the Olympics."
 You may not realise it, but we're on earth for a set amount of time. The minute you were born, the stop watch started ticking...and no, not ticking in such a way that you think: '"Oh wow I have lived for 19 years,  2 months, 15 days, 17 hours , 29 minutes and 1 second!"'. Its ticking BACKWARDS, genius. 
Only Allah knows how long we have left..It could be '69 Years and 2 minutes' for some, or '20 seconds' for someone else. And im not exaggerating in any way.  2 people die each second [I researched this!]. TWO each second.
So If it took you 3 minutes to read this post, I hope you realise that 360 people have dropped dead during this time. And who knows, it could be you next.

So please...Make use of your time. Don't ever let yourself be in the position where you are "dying of boredom and have nothing at all to do". The simplest thing you could do, when feeling like that, is make a few duas or say these simple words:
-Alhamdulilah [Thank you, Allah] or -Astagfirullah [Oh Allah I seek your forgiveness]. You cant imagine how much reward you get for them [Research it if you dont know].

Or another really beneficial thing to say when you feel that you have a few minutes to spare is: 'Ash-hadu Ana La Ilaha Ila Allah'/ 'I bear witness that there is no Lord but Allah...'. The more you say the Shahdah/Kalimah/Decleration of Faith now, the easier it will be for your tongue to say it on your death bed: and honestly, if you die saying this then you are the luckiest person ever because it means that Allah is happy with you InshaAllah [No disbeliever/Bad person would be able to say the Shahadah at their deathbed].

Thank you for reading..Im sorry for ranting. 


My new invention!!!

I came up with this really amazing idea yesterday, whilst stood in my mums bedroom staring at the clock on the bedside table, stalking the 'seconds' hand as it smoothly brushed by each number and listening to my mum [Im so great at multi-tasking!].

Anyway, since Im so bad at explaining everything, I thought I'd spare you the trouble of having to read my very confusing discription, and just simply draw it on paint for you. [Btw, I doubt it already exists: but if it can shoot me or something]

Its basically a 24-hour clock. LITERALLY. 

I think it is useful because...once you get used to it, yuo can easily trace which part of the day youre in.
Plus its pretty cool to look at it before you sleep..stare at it at about 11pm then fall asleep, then when you're awake, take another look and you'll find that  its on the other side '7am'. You'll realise that you spent about a third of the day sleeping  :P If thats useful at all to 

I like it. MashAllah. 

Its COPYRIGHT btw, when I have enough money to invest in it, I am going to be oh-so-famous! InshaAllah. :D All money goes strictly to freeing Palestine and Supporting the resistence[J-cough]  in Afghanistan/Pakistan. I can't seem to think of worthier causes...