Another thing would be to...speak to her on mic and to watch her [lmao I sound so creepy, but she has webcam so YAY XD]. I want to speak to her forever. And I wish Allah would give me the courage to not shy away from the mic -rolls eyes-. Alhamdulilah my whole depression-period over dotu [Dawn of the Ummah- Or as I like to say it: Damnation of the Ummah] has sort of gone now, so I forgive everyone on there [even those who didnt do anything!]. I just hated everyone for what a few people did to me. And when I say everyone, I literally mean everyone. Shame on me! [Note to self: Thats one bad habit I need to remember to throw in the bin].
Finally, I'd like to plan..........-almost starts future.... -hopeful face- ...which involves going and living in Gaza for ever and ever. Ameen.
[I added the Ameen because it reminds me of my Catholic Primary school, where we used to say a prayer every morning and before lunch and before going home. All the prayers ended with '[...] for ever and ever. Amen'. Aw good days:)I can never not add 'Amen' to something ending with ' forever and ever'!!! I guess thats what a good 5 years of saying three [Catholic hah] prayers a day does to you. Plus its so funny when random people turn their heads at hearing 'Amen' in the middle of a completely far-from-religious conversation heh. I need to shut up]
Btw I was in the middle of writing an essay, got bored [I've been sat doing 4 pages contineously-so boring!] and decided to drop a few words on here. Better go and finish it off. [Note to self: Brace yourself, I have another essay that I must start tonight...Arghh...Stay strong and smile, I can do it ...I can do it ...I can do it ..I can SO
YESSSSSSSS WE NEED TO SPEAK :(:(:((((((((((((((((( Really. Cure my bipolarrrrr pleaseeeee. Insha'Allah, we'll both get some free time and speak to each other on mike and you can stare at me while I'm on webcam and be a cheater and not let me look at your pretty self. tsk (jealous) LOL. Insha'Allah you'll do fine for your essays; correction: WE will do fine for our essays. Ameen :) B7bek ((: (don't have to reply HAHA)