Thursday, 5 November 2009

Zis iz english, do you understand?

This is a topic that everyone, I think, should care about. ESPECIALLY Americans and Brits...

I'm sure we've all seen this/heard about it. Here is an example- scenario:
First day of University/Work/School/You name it: A foreigner [Asian/Arab] walks in to class/office.
2 minutes later: The foreigner speaks.
Same moment: Everyone starts either laughing, or talking about her [or rather: her accent] behing her back.
She gets called either  'TEP'/'PAKI'/TERRORIST..etc etdc etc'behind her back [if shes lucky] or to her face [which is oh- so heartbreaking, seriously!]

All this because she may not say the word 'because' exactly how YOU say it. Her 'R's might roll for a while longer. . Whatever the reason, we all admit that we can perfectly understand what she is saying... So why on earth do we laugh? Why do we talk about it for days after? Why all the negativeness?

LOOK, How many Americans & Brits are bilingual/can speak so many languages? HOW MANY??? Some may claim to know French/German/Spanish [GCSE level languages is just a few words-  A Level doesnt make you so fluent either]...but If I were french/German or Spanish I'd laugh at the way THEY roll they're 'r's and pronounce everything.

These people who come to these countries have a language already. AN ENTIRE LANGUAGE.
And guess what?
They've decided to bloody LEARN YOURS just so you can all communicate. THEY are doing YOU  a favor.
If I were them, Id be happy enough using sign language for 5 hours before you understood that I was asking for directions to the nearest bus station. Srsly. 
& If WE hate their accents so much, why don't we just go learn all the languages in the world so we can speak to everyone without having to listen to THEM speak or language? We think we're oh-so big, amazing, and better than them.

And for those who claim that these poeple 'wreck the enligh language', I suggest you go see how all those 'I-am-oH-So-Bad white boys'/Gangsters speak. 'INIT' is not a proper word. & here's a revelation for ya:  Indians did not bring it in! Infact im 99% sure some British kid from South London came up with it.

There are millions of more rubbish words and sentences that would make shakespeare cry in his grave. And I tell you, Asians and Arabs didnt make them up.

So please stop the laughing and start being  a little understanding. These people are not less than YOU in ANY way. In fact, if anything- they're better. They know more than one language, unlike yourself- hah!


P.s I can speak 3 languages and a half XD

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, funny and awesome post Sista'! So true too! I'm a 'desi' myself though I have a pure American accent, but yes, my fellow desi's who have grown up in India or rather, my parents generation, not only knew 2 or three languages fluently, but also, with time, mastered English. And as you alluded to, the language spoken in the States is what I like to call "American" (I don't mean it in the arrogant Bush lingo, but in that we butcher real English). Ma'salaam and yes this made me SMILE! May Allah (swt) Bless you always! Ameen.
